Machel Montano and Friends
The show began with a BANG! Machel Montano is known for his high energy performances, which is why Brooklyn's newly renovated Kings Theatre was packed with soca fans from near and far. Glow sticks were distributed to patrons as they entered the theatre. From beginning to end, the entire audience was on its feet. It was only when Machel took out a keyboard to serenade the ladies and told everyone to sit and utilize the theatre seats - yet some patrons remained on their feet not wanting to miss a beat! |
Machel was the perfect person to celebrate Mother's Day, as he is also known to travel with his mother to many concerts. He explained that he ran around during the day to make sure he had the loveliest bouquet of flowers for his mother, which he presented to her on stage. She looked so proud and happy- what mother wouldn't be with such a special recognition from a son like Machel! He didn't leave out the mothers of his children. Machel gave them a special shout out, thanking them for bringing his children into the world. Machel praised all the mothers and women in the crowd. Every single woman there felt special and appreciated.
The show continued with a bang as Machel brought out his friends Skinny Fabulous out of St. Vincent & the Grenadines, Lyrikal out of Brooklyn, and the amazing Angela Hunte, also repping Brooklyn with her "New York State of Mind." His friends definitely provided the "icing on the cake" to a fantastic performance by Machel Montano. The show also ended with a bang with just as much energy as it started complete with back flips, pumped up dancers and Machel's smash hit "Like A Boss!" The audience pleaded for more but at last Machel sent everyone home with smiles and good vibes.
It was a well done concert by Machel, his special guests, the dancers, and his band, as well as Jammins Ent Producer: George Crooks, Lorraine Campbell & Staff, the Tasz Smith Triple T Production Team, and the entire production and promotion staff. The event only had 3 weeks worth of promotions, so for that we say KUDOS!